Olivia Jordan
The beautiful model shares her rituals to stay warm all winter long.
When she was little, Olivia Jordan dreamed of being a model and an actress. Taller than her peers, she found her home when she enrolled in her first modeling workshop at fourteen. Since then she has pursued a successful career in modeling, acting, and pageantry, and was crowned Miss USA 2015. When she is not gracing the pages of Cosmopolitan or Sports Illustrated, however, she is advocating for what she believes in. In 2015, she helped to get the Hope Act for Alzheimer’s passed in Congress. She’s also been a long time supporter of Smile Train, the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance, and an advocate for Children of the night, an organization dedicated to eradicating child prostitution in the U.S.
I first met Olivia Jordan two years ago a MindBodyGreen Revitalize Summit, and I could immediately tell she was as intelligent as she was beautiful. We recently sat down to chat a little more about her active life and what she does to relax and stay cozy.
If I can encourage anyone else to not give up on their dreams, that would be a win.
For eating healthy on the go
Having snacks and a bottle of water on hand! I drink more water when I carry my own bottle with me.
In my purse, I carry trail mix, a pack of Justin’s almond butter, and an apple so I can be eating throughout the day between meals.
For staying fit in the winter and all year long
Balance. I find it’s easy to go in and out of “fitness phases” but the most stable routine is to not overcommit. I don’t need to go to the gym for hours or even every single day. I can simply commit to 20-30 minutes increments throughout the week.
For being a model
I always have looked to Tyra Banks. Her confidence, fierceness and absolute celebration of femininity and strength is inspirational. It also doesn’t hurt that she has parlayed her success in the modeling industry to become a mega mogul.
For social media

I strive to uplift and inspire. Social media can be such a wonderful medium to spread hope to people struggling. It took me a long time to have faith in the future and belief in myself enough to follow my dreams. If I can encourage anyone else to not give up on their dreams, that would be a win.
Morning beauty routine
Tinted moisturizer with sunscreen, lip-gloss, mascara, then a few positive affirmations and a hot green tea.
How you romance yourself
I allow myself to do the things I love; like taking myself to the movies in the middle of the day and indulging in popcorn at the theater. It often reinstills my passion for the art that I pursue each day as an actress.
In the evenings
I look forward to turning my phone on airplane mode, cuddling with my boyfriend, watching TV, lighting a “Volcano” candle from Anthropologie, and then reading under the covers as I fall asleep.
Personal passions
Acting, hiking, film, spending time with family, traveling, advocacy for the Alzheimer’s Association and GLSEN.

Plans for this year
I’m open. I am grateful to be starting my year with the launch of my shoot for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue which has been a goal of mine since I was a kid. My hopes are that this will be the year that I can shift from my modeling pursuits to become a fulltime actress. Being a regular on a show like “This is Us,” which tell such wonderful, truthful stories, would be a dream.
Your “you” time
Morning. My favorite part of the day is spent in the early morning light, where I can do stream of consciousness journaling, drink tea, and answer all my emails while my mind is clear. Sometimes I get caught up in the more relaxing parts of my mornings and put off the emails for another time.
Your favorite winter staples
Soup! I make crock pot soup every week. I am loving a spinach/lentil that is made with some Indian seasoning and coconut milk.
Your cozy comfort food
Recently I have been making mashed potatoes with mushroom bourguignon. I also love sweets and often end-up baking gluten-free cupcakes as a treat.
Best thing you’ve ever cooked
I won a pie baking contest years ago. I am not a great cook but my sweet tooth served me well. If they had cut the pies before they judged on presentation I would have surely lost; but it was a creamy peanut butter, chocolate pie with graham cracker crust and it tasted delicious, and that was all that really mattered in the end.
Favorite restaurant, in LA or elsewhere
Gracias Madre on Melrose. I am not a full time vegetarian but I could be if all food was as delicious as Gracias Madre! It has become my go-to spot whenever there is anything to be celebrated.
Must-have skincare/ body care products to keep your skin healthy in the winter
Vaseline – I have used it for a lifetime to both remove my eye makeup and keep my lips hydrated before bed. I use Aveda’s hydrating lotion for my face, and their hand-relief for my hands – it smells so good!
In your makeup bag
I adore different lip options- I keep Bite lipstick and lipgloss in my purse, and a Burt’s Bees chapstick.
Favorite fragrance
I’m on the search for my next signature scent. I LOVE Grace Alchemy because it’s made in Los Angeles with all organic essential oils and smells like love! ;)
What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I’m an introvert. I need lots of time “me-time” to balance the time I spend at work and socially engaging with groups of people. I prefer small gatherings with friends to going out or attending events. I really have to push myself to meet new people – I am always grateful when I do – it just doesn’t come naturally to me.
What are your favorite rituals for spicing up your love life?
I think the older I get the better I get at communicating. Expressing my needs and wants has been a challenge for me but being communicative in my love life has utterly transformed the entire experience. Truly knowing another person and allowing myself to be known has been the greatest blessing.
You can find Olivia and follow her gorgeous adventures on instagram @theoliviajordan.

Fern Olivia is the founder of Thyroid Yoga® and Ajai Alchemy.
Combining her education in Biomedical Engineering with her studies in yoga and integrative nutrition, Fern Olivia has created Thyroid Yoga®, a unique approach to supporting thyroid health.
In addition to teaching, retreats, events, and speaking on the topics of holistic health and self-expression, her course is a best-seller on MindBodyGreen and she trains wellness leaders and practitioners in her Thyroid Yoga® training, now available internationally. Fern Olivia is also the founder of Ajai Alchemy, an all organic essential oil fragrance brand specifically formulated with synergistic hormone balancing and aphrodisiac benefits.
Through her authentic storytelling, media platforms, and new TV show, Sensual Intelligence, Fern Olivia has inspired a mass movement of conscious self-expression and holistic health.