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An Empowering Perspective on Egg Freezing an interview with Claudia Mason

Over the course of my career, I have supported thousands of women going through fertility treatments, such as the increasingly common procedure of freezing their eggs.  This area of my practice has grown steadily as more successful women have sought out the freedom to determine their own biological age.

Throughout their experience, it is essential they have an advocate by their side, providing guidance and comfort.

As egg freezing becomes more accessible, it is important that a woman takes care of her health during the process. In my own practice, I use a mind-body approach with patients. They begin nutritional programs, undergo acupuncture, use herbal medicine and supplements. Throughout their experience, it is essential they have an advocate by their side, providing guidance and comfort.

One patient whom I had the pleasure of working with was Claudia Mason. She came to me looking for someone to support her through the IVF process. What made Claudia such an inspirational patient was her determination to have an empowered experience. I am happy to say that she did.

I had the privilege of interviewing Claudia, and she shared her advice and wisdom for anyone curious about freezing their own eggs. Her story highlights how positive this journey can be, and I hope that it contributes a new perspective to the fertility conversation.

I know you’re an incredibly healthy person, how did you prepare for egg freezing?

I prepared my body, mind and emotions as best I could before I started taking the medication. I was raised on a healthy diet, and I’ve maintained a similar approach to eating throughout adulthood.

For supplements, I made sure to take Vitamin D3, fish oil, probiotics, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, and B12.

Before undergoing the first egg freezing cycle, I stopped eating sugar, drinking alcohol, and was gluten free as much as possible. I ate a lot of dark green, leafy vegetables, as well as complex carbohydrates, fruits, salmon (for the omega 3 fatty acids), and I added organic bison and lamb to my diet.

I consistently visualized a positive result, and I was able to get myself into this amazingly optimistic state of mind, so that it felt as though I was getting ready for pregnancy.

I was never much of a red meat eater, but I found that my body responded very well to this intake of meat.  I also ate a lot of avocado, nuts and used lots of olive oil. For supplements, I made sure to take Vitamin D3, fish oil, probiotics, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, and B12.

I meditate twice a day, and I made sure not to skip the second daily meditation since I know how important it is to maintain a calm mind, body, and soul when one is prepping for a procedure such as this one.

I did my research and put the worry and fear out of my mind. I was determined to have wonderful results.

I tried as best I could to maintain a positive disposition about the whole thing. I consistently visualized a positive result, and I was able to get myself into this amazingly optimistic state of mind, so that it felt as though I was getting ready for pregnancy. It was such a great feeling, and I believe this mental preparation helped me achieve wonderful results. I decided not to be scared about the potential negative side effects of the necessary drugs. I did my research and put the worry and fear out of my mind. I was determined to have wonderful results.

What was the most challenging aspect of the process?

 I can’t stress enough how positive my outlook was – I did not allow negative or fearful thoughts to creep in, instead I welcomed super calm, focused and joyful musings.

Getting over the fear of injections.  Again, I had to meditate my way into a calm mind before I could self-administer those shots.  Eventually, I looked forward to the ritual of it, and found it oddly soothing.  I can’t stress enough how positive my outlook was – I did not allow negative or fearful thoughts to creep in, instead I welcomed super calm, focused and joyful musings.  I used The Force just like a Jedi Knight.  After all, I was thrilled to be proactively helping to ensure a future pregnancy, how divine!  And I would remind myself how lucky I was to be living during a time in when – thanks to scientific and medical discoveries – this was even possible.

What advice do you have for women considering egg freezing?

Remember why you want to go down this road in the first place.

My advice is to breathe and not panic. Do your research and ask experienced friends to help you feel clear and at ease with where to start. Make appointments with different doctors until you find the place that is right for you, whether that is the big name brand institutions or the lesser known alternative establishments. Remember why you want to go down this road in the first place. Focusing on the end goal will get you through the often-frustrating parts of the process – and there can be many!

I hope that Claudia’s story offers insight into how positive the fertility experience can be. Please know that as a woman today, you have options.

Claudia Mason:

Angela Le

A leading integrative fertility expert, Angela Le is founder of Fifth Avenue Fertility Wellness in New York City, and one of the first acupuncturists in the country to focus only on fertility. Since 2001, her practice has supported, treated and empowered thousands of patients. As a leader in the women’s health movement, Angela is committed to embracing infertility as an opportunity for transformation and a catalyst for deeper healing and awakening.

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