Office Well-Being
Here are a few specific practices that will help maintain a positive and healing vibe in the office.
As a co-founder of an integrative medical practice, one of our biggest priorities has been to make sure that our office reflects all aspects of wellness. In an office dedicated to the health of our patients, we want everyone to also be happy and to flourish and grow, so we’ve put considerable time into creating the healthiest environment we could.
Here are a few specific practices I’ve adopted over the years, that have helped us maintain a positive and healing vibe in the office for everyone involved:
Go Green
When my partner and I founded our practice, we made the decision to create an eco-friendly fertility clinic — the only one of its kind in NYC. Although we wanted the office to look and feel luxurious, we also made sure that all of the construction materials and products used to build, decorate and furnish it (wood, wool carpet, paint, wallpaper, etc.) were green and sustainable. We did this as an environmentally responsible practice, but also to model the kind of world we want to see created all around us.
Here’s a tip: Even if you can’t afford to build a green office up from scratch, you can still buy organic and sustainable products, reduce paper waste, and pay attention to good recycling procedures. Every little bit helps!
Maintain a peaceful and uncluttered environment
We all know how distracting clutter can be. In fact, it’s antithetical to the kind of serenity we’re trying to create in a healing space. Keeping our workspace free of clutter is not only helpful to maintaining order and a pleasant atmosphere, but getting rid of stuff we don’t need is cathartic in and of itself. We also make sure to keep fresh flowers in the office. It makes a huge difference to bring beauty like this into the work environment.
Here’s a tip: take advantage of natural cycles and events such as seasonal changes, solstices and equinoxes to inspire new beginnings. Use the power of fresh air and sunshine and the longer days of spring, as well as the coziness of winter to motivate you to clean up and clear out what you no longer need. You’ll feel lighter for getting rid of it, and more in tune with the natural world around you.
Promote healthy eating
First of all, we always keep healthy snacks on hand. We also maintain a list of all the local healthy restaurants for take out or after-work meals. Eating well keeps us all energized, providing us with the right kind of fuel to better serve our patients and provide them with positive examples of good self-care.
Here’s a tip: Not only is eating well a benefit in and of itself, but patronizing the healthy restaurants in your area and referring other people to them is a great way of building local community by helping your favorite eateries to stay in business.
Stay hydrated
Water. Plain and simple. It’s foundational to our health and well being. But how many of us forget to drink water when we are busy at work. We use Mountain Valley Spring water that we make available to all of our patients and team.
Here’s a tip: fill at least one 32 oz mason jar with water in the morning, and make sure to drink it all before the end of the day.
Use essential oils to clear the air
Unlike heavy room deodorizers and fruity candles, essential oils help to clear energy and reduce stress while lightly scenting the air. I personally love using lavender, chamomile, ylang ylang and bergamot for their calming, healing properties and to create a more serene atmosphere.
Here’s a tip: Use a diffuser with your favorite oil to delicately scent the air. You can experience the same health benefits by simply placing a few drops of essential oil in the palm of your hand and then breathe the oil in deeply.
Focusing on small, esthetic details and making conscious, responsible choices creates a feeling of care that permeates the entire office.
In short, we do everything we can to demonstrate through our actions the importance of wellness in the workplace. Focusing on small, esthetic details and making conscious, responsible choices creates a feeling of care that permeates the entire office. It definitely takes a bit of time and investment up front, but the benefits are perpetual and significant. Most importantly, every little bit helps, so you can experiment with changes a little bit at a time.
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

A leading integrative fertility expert, Angela Le is founder of Fifth Avenue Fertility Wellness in New York City, and one of the first acupuncturists in the country to focus only on fertility. Since 2001, her practice has supported, treated and empowered thousands of patients. As a leader in the women’s health movement, Angela is committed to embracing infertility as an opportunity for transformation and a catalyst for deeper healing and awakening.