The Mercury Detox
In 2008, after many failed attempts to get pregnant, I decided to undergo a full body check up. As part of procedure, the doctor had me take a mercury blood test. While I thought I was a very healthy young woman, it turns out I wasn’t in perfect shape after all. That day, I was diagnosed with Mercury poisoning.
Normal blood mercury (Hg) level is usually less than 10 ng/ml. My toxicity level was at 40 ng/ml, with no obvious symptoms other than chronic fatigue and digestive issues, which I assumed were unrelated.
Before I could begin to treat the poisoning, I first needed to understand where the excess mercury was coming from. Most people would jump to the conclusion that it involved eating too much sushi and fish. Though cutting back on eating fish was certainly required, my main issue was different: the excess mercury was coming from my dental amalgams.
Amalgams are stimulated by chewing gum, eating snacks, brushing teeth, regular professional dental cleaning, and things of that sort.
As a child growing up in France, it was common to have cavities filled with silver mercury, or amalgams. Amalgams are stimulated by chewing gum, eating snacks, brushing teeth, regular professional dental cleaning, and things of that sort. Throughout the years, after too much overstimulation, mine began to leak. Every day I had been swallowing tiny amounts of mercury.
Chlorella algae are an antiviral that helps the body detoxify, and it is the best agent to mobilize Mercury.
The first step in my recovery involved a full dental restoration to safe, durable white fillings. Though the procedure could be done in a day, it exposes patients to a high level of heavy metal. As a result, I had to take Chlorella tablets before and after; Chlorella algae are an antiviral that helps the body detoxify, and it is the best agent to mobilize Mercury. It is available in any health food store.
Once my new fillings were placed and safe, I was ready to do a full body detox. Several doctors warned me that it could take months or years to eliminate these neurotoxins, and that I could have chelation therapy instead, a treatment that injects the chemical into the bloodstream to get rid of heavy metals in the body, such as mercury, lead, cadmium and aluminum. Because of its serious side effects, however, I decided against it. I was going to detox naturally.
With some research and a bit of common sense, I got rid of my mercury poisoning in 70 days, here is how I did it:
The 70-Day Mercury (Hg) Detox
• Avoid fish and any type of seafood, including shrimp, crabs, mussels, oysters, etc.
• Exercise at least three times a week to sweat out toxins.
• Drink a green juice everyday on an empty stomach. Chlorophyll is mercury’s enemy, so vegetables are your best friend. Don’t use bottled juices – in order to ingest the right vitamins and nutrients, hand press the green vegetables and immediately consume the juice.
• Eat lots of green veggies and fibers, as you need your food to flow. Supplements and leafy green food, which are rich in Vitamin C, will attract the mercury, and your release of urine and feces will remove it from your body.
• Eat a lot of cilantro – this kitchen herb mobilizes toxins to be carried out of your body.
• Drink water with a high pH, like Fiji Water.
• Take about 5 Sun-Chlorella supplements every day for healthy gut flora.
It took a lot of effort, but it was possible to detox naturally in a short amount of time.
A few weeks later, I received the news that
I was expecting my first child.
Looking forward, to keep my level of Mercury low, I respect these guidelines:
• Stay away from certain fish like Tilefish, Marlin, Swordfish, Tuna and Mackerel. The bigger the fish, the higher the toxicity.
• Take probiotics daily for healthy digestion.
• Avoid Chinese herbal medicine made outside the U.S.; these can have high levels of toxicity.
• Keep things moving, as regular bowel movements allow your body to rid of toxins.
• Get tested for mercury once a year and try to stay lower than 10 ng/ml
Due to our lifestyles and environmental exposure, it’s almost impossible to avoid mercury exposure entirely. However, with a change in diet and exercise routine, it is possible to reduce our intake and reject mercury once and for all.

Benjamine Valle is a fashion publicist who lives in New York with her husband and two sons.She started a career in modeling at Elite Paris, and later moved to New York to start her own PR firm representing several international fashion brands: Vince, Vilebrequin, Vivienne Tam and more.
With her husband, she is an investor in healthy living companies such as Harmless Harvest coconut water and