2 Pierre Gagnaire Seafood Recipes Exclusively for BWB!
This vibrant and down-to-earth chef was not only elected best in the world by his peers, but is also the founder of numerous starred restaurants worldwide.
Meeting Pierre Gagnaire Pierre Gagnaire is an impressive man. This vibrant and down-to-earth chef was not only elected best in the world by his peers, but was also named Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur (Knight of the Legion of Honor), and is founder of numerous starred restaurants worldwide, including in locations in Seoul, Dubai, Las Vegas and Courchevel to name a few.
Gagnaire is also constantly developing projects in cuisine that strive to win over all of our senses. If you are lucky enough to pay him a visit at the Paris restaurant located rue Balzac, you will not regret it. It is worth the trip. It’s taste of heaven!
Pierre was kind enough to share with BWB two of his favorite seafood recipes.
(Serves 8)
1. Green Crumble
- 100 gr of breadcrumbs
- 100 gr of softened butter
- 100 gr of flat-leaved parsley
- 10 gr of chervil leaves
- 10 gr of snipped chives
- 1/2 juice of lime
- 1/2 lime grated zest
- Salt/freshly ground pepper
- Chop the aromatic herbs as finely as possible.
- Then, mix the softened butter with the zest, the limejuice and the chopped herbs.
- Proceed to add the breadcrumbs; season and work the mixture to obtain a smooth green texture.
- Finally, spread 2 mm of the mixture between two sheets of cling film. Let it harden at cold temperature.
2. Whiting, Shellfish and Garnish
- 8 whiting fillets with skin
- 1/2 liter vegetable stock
- 200 gr of Flambé Muscadet
- 4 leaves of cooked kale
- 8 thin slices of 1/2 salted cooked pork belly
- 32 pieces of raw shucked razor clams
- 160 gr of cooked shucked cockles
- 1 snipped shallot
- Fresh butter
- Mix the shallots, the white wine, and the vinegar in a saucepan and reduce until it is almost dry.
- Then, Moisten with the fish stock, reduce by half, add cream and let it cook for 5 to 6 minutes.
- Whip the fresh butter by bits, pour the mixture through a conical sieve, adjust the seasoning, mix before blanching and reducing the sauce Nantaise.
3. Beurre Nantais
- 80 gr of snipped shallots
- 120 gr of Muscadet
- 40 gr of apple cider vinegar
- 100 gr of fish stock
- 100 gr of heavy cream
- 100 gr of fresh butter
- Salt/freshly ground pepper
- Heat the vegetable stock and the Muscadet at 70°C.
- Place the seasoned whiting fillets on a flat dish, pour the vegetable/white wine broth on the fish, let cook for a few minutes. T
- hen, broil slices of pork belly, size them in chunks, put aside at warm temperature.
- Proceed to remove the whiting fillets, place them on a baking sheet, and cover with a green crumble band.
- In a pan, melt the shallots with butter. Then, add the razor clams, then the cockles.
- Warning: you just need to heat up the seafood without cooking it. Place the whiting fillets under a salamander to cook the crumble. Finally, place on a flat plate with shellfish and a band of kale leaf seasoned with Beurre Nantais. The remaining Beurre Nantais will be served in a sauceboat.
(Serves 6)
1. Cuttlefish Wing:
- 125g of raw cuttlefish meat
- 100g of heavy cream
- Salt/freshly ground pepper
- Season the cuttlefish and process in a mixer finely, slowly adding the heavy cream.
- Then, strain the mixture.
- Proceed to spread 2mm of the mixture on a silicone sheet, cover with cling film and cook in a steam oven for 2 minutes at 85°C.
- Let cool before cutting 6 rectangles (7cm x 10cm). Place aside.
2. Eggplant caviar:
- ½ eggplant cut in thick slices
- 2 smashed garlic cloves
- Thyme/bay leaves
- Salt/freshly ground pepper
- Olive oil
- Make incisions on the eggplant flesh, salt on both sides and let sweat for 30 minutes.
- Then, pat each side dry and place in a pan with olive oil until they get some color.
- Proceed to wrap the slices in a papillote with garlic, thyme, bay leaves and cook in the oven for approximately 30 minutes at 180°C.
- Finally, remove the garlic and the herbs as well as the eggplant skin, process in a mixer, adjust the seasoning.
- Place in a pastry bag.
3. Cannelloni Finish:
Place a roll of eggplant caviar onto each rectangle of cuttlefish wing and roll in oder to get a cannelloni.
Place flat on a baking sheet.
4. Turbot Steak preparation:
- 6 turbot steak of 80g
- 2 crushed lemongrass stalks
- 20cl of fish stock
- 1 minced shallot
- 4 big button mushrooms
- 10cl of dry white wine (Sauvignon for ex.)
- 4 lime zests removed with a vegetable peeler
- Fresh butter
- Salt/pepper
- Peel the top of the mushrooms, cut in regular sticks and set aside.
- Roughly mince the rest of the mushrooms.
- Melt the shallot without browning with a little bit of butter, add the mushrooms, salt lightly, and leave to cook over a gentle heat before you add the lemongrass and the lime zests. Wet with white wine, reduce by half, add the stock, let simmer covered for 10 minutes.
- Strain it with a conical sieve while firmly pressing on the mixture.
- Poach the turbot steaks in this simmering stock for 8 to 10 minutes.
- Adjust to taste, process the stock and add fresh butter until you get a creamy sauce.
On six flat plates, place one eggplant cannelloni heated in a steam oven, one turbot steak, and some raw button mushrooms sticks. Place the sauce in a sauceboat for the table.
Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre is a journalist and author.
«La médecine personnalisée, retrouver et garder la santé» (Odile Jacob) was published in March 2012 after two years of investigation and research with general practitioner Dr. Jean-Claude Lapraz.
«Se soigner toute l’année au Naturel» (Prat) was published in 2012 and has sold over 250 000 copies. Her latest book «Etre en Bonne santé toute l’année : 20 cures alimentaires» was launched in April 2015.