5-Day 30-Min Workout Plan with Morgan Pitcher
We’re whipping back into shape with nutrition coach Morgan Pitcher’s favorite quick and easy, at-home workout plan. So long, 2018 pounds!
Let’s be honest, everyone has been on cloud 9 with food galore over the past month or so, but now that the holidays are over, fitness resolutions are in full swing. The thing is–we’re all familiar with the pesky issue of upkeep. Maintaining a new year’s resolution may seem like an impossible feat, but not if you’re being realistic with your goals and the pace at which you carry them out. We get how busy the start of the new year can be, which is why these daily workouts are only 30-minutes long each! The best part? Most of these exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home. Be sure to also customize and adapt this workout plan to your specific fitness goals and physical limits. If it’s been a while since you’ve hit the gym, modify your rest time in between each set to something more sustainable. If you’re a total gym junkie, you can always up the weights and/or reps. This month, BWB challenges you to shift your focus away from weight loss or muscle-building, and to instead, approach exercise as a way to become more in tune with your physical self. In other words, learn to understand and listen to your body’s needs in order to grow and push your boundaries (mental and physical), but never overexerting yourself in a harmful way.
CHEAT SHEET – Acronyms
DB: Dumbbell
KB: Kettlebell
AMRAP: As many rounds as possible
CHEAT SHEET: Video Demonstrations
Lifelong athlete Morgan Pitcher graduated from Texas A&M University, where she worked for the Student Recreation Center, played intramural sports, learned about nutrition and found CrossFit. Her casual training habit grew into a competitive Olympic Weightlifter, finishing top 15 in the nation at 2018 Nationals as well as a CrossFit career with two top-100 finishes in the North East Region of the CrossFit Open (59th in 2016 and 68th in 2017) as well as a 4th-place finish at the 2017 North East Regional earning her a trip to the 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games in Madison, WI competing with Team CrossFit Queens at the highest level of the sport.
Morgan started working as a personal nutrition coach in 2013 to share her knowledge and passion for helping others achieve active and healthy lifestyles. Through EMERGE (Efficient Macro Energy for Recovery, Gains, and Endurance), Morgan has helped hundreds of clients realize their nutrition and lifestyle goals through personalized coaching and meal planning, educating her clients with the knowledge and resources they need to have lasting, long-term and transformational success.

Originally from Los Angeles, Alicia lived in Shanghai for 11 years before moving back to the states to attend the University of Miami, where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in public relations and minors in art and philosophy. Currently residing in New York City, Alicia applies her knowledge of strategic communication and design in her career. She enjoys painting, rugby, exploring, and more often than not, you’ll find her petting someone’s dog.