Seeing 20/20 with Gigi Mortimer Founder of EyeJust
If you can’t resist a cheeky scroll through Instagram before bed, you can at least filter out 50 percent of blue light and 100 percent of UV light while you double-tap away.
As you read this on your phone, computer, laptop or tablet, consider the amount of time you spend each day looking at a screen. On average, we spend at least 7 hours a day (often more) on our devices! This prolonged exposure to blue light can result in trouble sleeping, deteriorated eyesight and premature aging. Nowadays, we quite literally depend on our smartphones in every sort of way, so what are we to do?
Gigi Mortimer, former accessories designer of Ralph Lauren and Tory Burch, has a simple solution: Get to the source. We already purchase screen protectors for our devices anyway– why shouldn’t they also protect our eyes? If you can’t resist a cheeky scroll through Instagram before bed, you can at least filter out 50 percent of blue light and 100 percent of UV light while you double-tap away. We sat down with the entrepreneur to see how she incorporates wellness into her own NYC lifestyle.

Morning routine?
A glass of water, coffee and sunlight helps kick off the day (and my circadian rhythm).
One activity you do every day without fail?
Bedtime bath with lavender oil for a good night’s sleep. Although it sounds contradictory, a hot bath cools the body and helps release melatonin, the sleep hormone.
How do you stay in shape?
Weekends: Gardening and hiking with my Springer Spaniels and Jack Russel Terrier.
Weekdays: Exhale Barre for stretching and SoulCycle for cardio.
Your most overused phrase?
“Let’s sleep on it.”
On your desk?
My to-do list from the night before.
Guilty pleasures?
Finding solitude in the woods.
What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?
I wish I had learned the Japanese word “Ikigai,” which means a worthwhile life. Combining your passions, values, and skills to create a meaningful career and a worthwhile life.
What can men learn from women and vice versa?
- Patience
- Care
- Attention to detail
- Broad perspective
Something you always knew and is confirmed year after year?
Trust your gut; go with your instincts.
Favorite places to shop?
I love window shopping and finding something unique that catches my eye.
Best coffee spots?
A night out on the town?
Booth at The Lobster Club and a skinny margarita.
What one meeting changed your life?
I met Ralph Lauren in 1985 and he offered me a job on the spot. The only open seat in the office was in accessory design, launching my career in product design.
The biggest risk that has paid off?
Launching EyeJust before anyone knew the importance of blocking blue light.
Proudest moment?
Still to come.

Originally from Los Angeles, Alicia lived in Shanghai for 11 years before moving back to the states to attend the University of Miami, where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in public relations and minors in art and philosophy. Currently residing in New York City, Alicia applies her knowledge of strategic communication and design in her career. She enjoys painting, rugby, exploring, and more often than not, you’ll find her petting someone’s dog.