The Body Book
Whenever a movie star decides to share their beauty secrets, we are more than eager to listen. This month, I read The Body Book by the sparkling Cameron Diaz and I liked it.
Whenever a movie star decides to share their beauty secrets, we are more than eager to listen. This month, I read The Body Book by the sparkling Cameron Diaz and I liked it.
Written in collaboration with Sandra Bark, this book is structured around three main chapters: Nutrition, Fitness and Mind. And here are some examples of precious advices, all very well documented… and sometimes very well illustrated too!
Choose carefully what you eat every day.
“Fast food isn’t really food… Processed foods are devoid of nutrients and full of chemicals, artificial colors, and preservatives that can disrupt our hormones… I am talking about eating foods that grow in the earth or are sustained by earth and that have not been tampered with by technology.”
Drink a lot of water when you wake up in the morning in order to rehydrate the body.
“It invigorates my entire body … I can feel all my cells filling up like a flower. Remember your best source of water is water. Not energy drinks. Not iced tea or lemonade. Not coffee, not alcohol, not juice and definitely not soda.”
Try to make at least one vegetarian friend!
“I find my vegetarian friends often introduce me to new varieties of veggies and show me amazing ways to cook and prepare them.”
Sleep well.
“This advice is particularly aimed at people who travel a lot, suffer from jet lag and the discomfort of nights in hotels. Establish a nighttime ritual before you go to bed and try to stick to it. Banish all electronic devices from the bedroom. All of our electronic devices emit blue light, a short-wavelength light that has been found to interfere with our melatonin production.”
Take the time to ask yourself important questions.
“By becoming more aware of the relationship between what you do and how you feel, you can begin to make subtle shifts that will encourage positive shifts.”
Illustration by Angéline Mélin