Beauty in the Little Things: A Talk with Micronutritionist Valérie Espinasse
It is often said that beauty comes from within– but we’re not talking about a lovely personality or a charming sense of humor. We’re talking about your gut.
Micronutritionist Valérie Espinasse is dedicated to helping her patients unlock and activate their natural beauty through nutrition. With comprehensive blood tests and close analysis of life factors, Valérie is able to determine personalized programs for each one of her patients. This nutritional guru has helped many different clients achieve optimal health, from French stars to TV personalities to professional athletes. How does she does do it? She speaks the language of the most important organ in the body– not the heart, not the brain, but the stomach. And the language? Food.
BWB sat down with Valérie to talk about her individual wellness journey and how she translates her career into her own daily routine.

Where did your own wellness journey begin?
I was raised in the countryside in the center of France at a time when we cured ourselves exclusively with plants.
When I was young, I collected these plants with my grandmother. This was the real beginning of my passion for natural healing.
Tell us a bit about your training as a micronutritionist:
I studied a lot in medical school, and I am a pharmacist with many different specialities: Master in Micronutrition, Master in Predictive & Personalized Medicine (auto-immune diseases, cancer, chronic diseases), and Master in Anti-Aging Medicine (hormonal diseases, endocrine disruptor, senescence).
Micronutrition is a natural therapy that recovers and rebalances the body.
Micronutrition is a natural therapy that recovers and rebalances the body. I help patients achieve optimal health through different kinds of blood tests and personalized treatments.
As a specialist in food intolerance, what did that entail and how does that help you to stand out among today’s sea of “health coaches”?
My speciality in food intolerances and gut microbiota is essential. The body’s pillar of immunity is located within the intestinal microbiota, and the low-grade inflammation of the gut is the origin of a lot of diseases. Most people aren’t aware of this, so my job is to educate and provide the best resources for my patients across multiple medical groups. Amongst other conditions, one of the most critical diseases I help treat is Lyme.
What does a typical work day look like for you?
I wake up at 7:00 with a good breakfast and sometimes yoga. My working day begins at 9:00 AM and finishes at 9:00 PM with patients non-stop! I only take a little break to have a light lunch.
We love labels here in the USA – how would you describe your way of eating?
Healthy eating does not have to come at the cost of enjoyment.
First things first, I always take a real pleasure while eating. Healthy eating does not have to come at the cost of enjoyment. I love eating well, and always in line with my health beliefs and without my food intolerances.
Do you have a favorite food or go-to recipe that you couldn’t live without?
Green tea, matcha, and thyme from my father’s garden. I need to drink it every day!
And a “guilty pleasure”?
Cheese… I’m French!
Other than feeding your body with amazingly healthy and delicious foods, what do you do to nourish your body and your life ?
For my health balance: I have a micronutrition routine with PhytoQuant Supplementation.
For my emotional balance: I practice boxing, yoga and dancing.
For MY balance: I schedule time for dinners with family and friends!
If you could host your dream dinner, who would you invite and what would you serve?
Oprah Winfrey because she is an amazing woman and incredibly inspirational to me.
I would serve her a healthy dinner and surprise her with a special dessert that I would have cooked without gluten, lactose, or sugar. It would be so delicious, I promise!
Are there any foods or ingredients that you’ve recently discovered that you’re now into?
Not so recent, but I have been using Gomasio more often. It is a blend of grilled sesame seeds that you can use to replace salt.
You travel for work, what are your favorite travel tips for feeling good even when on a long trip?
Drink a lot, eat less!
You’re glowing on the outside too– any secret natural beauty tips to share?
I always have the same routine, whether I am in Paris or when I travel: Before sleeping, I do a peel and use a mix of different organic oils.
What is your beauty regimen?
Every day, I drink 1 liter of water and 1 liter of green tea.
At tea time, I snack on almonds and fruits.
I always eat fresh vegetables at lunch and dinner.
Are there any products you recommend?
Eat organic foods as often as possible, as it’s very important for health.
Eating seeds is beneficial for the skin, while drinking matcha can help prevent signs of aging with its many superfood properties.
What are your exciting plans ahead this year?
The most exciting of all: beginning to work in NYC in 2020!
Feature image credit: @brookelark

Teresa Deely is a graduate from Columbia University with majors in English and Creative Writing. She is a freelance writer and marketing assistant working for clients in the wellness, jewelry, creative, and sports industries. She believes that one’s skin is yet another canvas and vehicle for art, and has loved styling her hair and applying makeup from a young age. Spending much of her time in educating youth and leading enrichment programs for children, she is highly motivated in discovering new ways to care for herself and sharing them with others.