A Beginner’s Guide to Naturopathic Medicine Pt. 1 First Steps to Health Restoration
Your first steps to health restoration.
By skillfully combining natural therapeutic traditions with modern science, naturopathic medicine is an efficient way to restore and optimize health. At BWB, we believe in empowering our readers to make sustainable lifestyle changes that will help them achieve a healthy baseline. In other words, we’re here to inform you about tried-and-true wellness methods that you may otherwise miss on your journey to natural healing.
We are honored to introduce you to our very own Licensed Naturopathic Doctor, Christophe Bolloré. The Paris-based expert will be joining BWB throughout this summer to share key steps to living better.
Here are your first steps to health restoration.
Consuming these foods optimizes minerals, vitamins, trace elements and enzyme intake. While you find these nutrients naturally in fruits and vegetables, you destroy them by intensive agriculture and altering cooking methods.
First, take your time. Then, eat mindfully.
In other words, drink your water 30 minutes before a meal or two hours after a meal. Unfortunately, not all water is the same! As a result, choose water with lower mineral concentration or reversed osmosis purified water.
Opt for coconut oil when cooking. However, if cooking with olive oil, make sure the temperature stays relatively low (-120°C). Further, take three to five tablespoons of polyunsaturated oils rich in OMEGA-3 daily. Keep safe in a cool, refrigerated space that is away from light.
Aim to get your protein from animal products or animal byproducts. Alternatively, you can combine cereals, legumes and oleaginous foods or consume superfoods such as seaweed, mushrooms, azuki beans, quinoa and hemp.
Avoid cold cuts. Limit the consumption of red meat (one to two times per week). Instead, favor organic white meat, like poultry.
For seafood, be careful not to eat too much shellfish or fatty fish. Alternatively, choose fresh white fish, small blue fish (such as sardines, mackerel, herring and anchovy) and fish eggs or roe.

Believing in a holistic and integrative approach to health, Christophe has studied under the tutelage of teachers of both western and oriental traditions for many years. He is a certified naturopath and yoga teacher. Christophe has also trained in aromatherapy, sound therapy, breathwork and micro-nutrition. When not in Paris, he can be found in the wilderness helping people detox and collaborating with programs, such as “La Pensée Sauvage.”