To say Clémence von Mueffling is of accomplished stock when it comes to skincare, is rather an understatement. ‘Both my mother and grandmother worked as beauty editors for Vogue Paris and they taught me, in their inimitable French way, that beauty is an attitude, a way of taking care of yourself. Not only were they strong female role models, but they also devoted their lives to discovering the most outstanding and effective products and treatments for women of all ages, then shared this information with their readers.’

Her new book, Ageless Beauty is a guide to French beauty secrets for women of all ages. What is most enlightening is von Mueffling’s very positive attitude towards ageing and perfection. ‘I learned that I do not have to look younger, just to look good for my age,’ she says. ‘I learned that what counts is to make the most of what you were born with and enhance your best features. And although I like the idea of healthy skin, it does not have to be flawless.’

While taking care of one’s skin is of utmost importance to the beauty guru, she insists that is it never too late to start a really solid beauty routine. Here’s the three building blocks she recommends to get the hang of sharpish.

Double cleansing

Your face is never as clean as you think it is, especially if you wear make-up. First, you get rid of the impurities, pollution or make-up with a creamy product. Secondly, you clean the topmost layer. When you do this, you optimize the skin’s natural protection and regeneration and you will see how your skin goes from good skin to great skin! It does not have to be a chore, think of it as a relaxing nightly treat for yourself. I love the cleansing milk and cleansing balm from Alexandra Soveral.’

Gently does it

‘Don’t scrub or exfoliate too much. It makes your skin worse in the long run. Why would you burn, dry and peel, rather than nourish and maintain healthy skin? You only have one face, and you should treat it with great care in the most delicate way you can. Think of treating the skin on your face as you would your favorite silk blouse!’

Facial massage

‘People underestimate the power of massage. You will be amazed how much you can improve the quality of your face by massaging it yourself regularly. It will tone the skin, improve circulation and minimise lines, but also activates the production of collagen. It is like taking your face to the gym.’


Read the full article here.