Melissa Wood
For everyone out there with kids or plans to have them, this Beauty has a wealth of knowledge to share.
You’ll probably recognize Melissa Wood for the toned body you see decorating the pages of Shape, Fitness, and Women’s Health magazines, or maybe for the breathtaking bikini shots that appeared on instagram only weeks after she graced the cover of Pregnancy & Newborn.
At first, this might drive you crazy. After all, her bodily transformation was almost magical. But then, after only few minutes of conversation with Melissa, it becomes undeniably clear that her beauty goes way beyond her dress size. Her girl-next-door charm draws you in with humility, kindness and grace. She believes that you find beauty in the little joys of life, and for her that means spending as much time as possible with her son.
She’s the girlfriend everyone wants throughout their own pregnancy because of the ease with which she balances her roles as mom, model, and businesswoman.
While still relatively new to motherhood, she seems to have it mastered. In fact, she’s the girlfriend everyone wants throughout their own pregnancy because of the ease with which she balances her roles as mom, model, and businesswoman.
For everyone out there with kids or plans to have them, this Beauty has a wealth of knowledge to share. But even if that’s not on your radar at the moment, Melissa has plenty of other wisdom for you too. From healthy eating to mastering the power of mind-over-body, here is a bit about her life and how she stays healthy.

BWB: What were the primary reasons behind going to school for nutrition and opening your own health coaching company?
I woke up one day and realized I was living a life “I thought” I should be living. I took a weekend to myself to tap into what lit me up. Everything I love is centered on Health and Wellness. I literally signed up for the Institute for Integrative Nutrition the following day.
I live such a balanced life now where I don’t obsess over the little stuff anymore. In return, I feel healthier than I ever have.
BWB: What has it been like becoming a mother? Has it made you even more health conscious?
Becoming a mother has been the most humbling and enlightening experience of my life. In a weird way I have let go of being too healthy. I used to be a little obsessive when it came to my diet, which led to many issues. I live such a balanced life now where I don’t obsess over the little stuff anymore. In return, I feel healthier than I ever have.
BWB: Did you have any favorite wellness or beauty products that you specifically used while you were pregnant?
I love the Honest Company body oil! I used it during my entire pregnancy morning and night and am still currently using it. I also dry brushed one to two times a day during my entire pregnancy. I did not swell or experience any constipation and I truly believe it was from my dedication to dry brushing.
10 minutes of meditation a day or a simple breathing exercise can help bring so much peace into your day.
BWB: Do you have any lifestyle tips that you recommend to stay grounded and healthy during pregnancy?
Don’t reach for your phone when you first wake up. It’s actually proven to bring more anxiety to your day. 10 minutes of meditation a day or a simple breathing exercise can help bring so much peace into your day. I used to meditate for 40 minutes a day but I found this extremely challenging when I was pregnant because I was sick for 6 months.
I used Tracie Martyn facewash and moisturizer throughout my pregnancy. I cannot recommend this brand enough; my skin has never looked better.
BWB: Any incredible beauty tips you discovered while you were pregnant? Any magical creams for the skin?
Yes, get as much sleep now as you possibly can because that is all about to change! I slept 12-15 hours a day. I used Tracie Martyn facewash and moisturizer throughout my pregnancy and am currently still using it. I cannot recommend this brand enough; my skin has never looked better. Coming from someone who suffered from severe acne, this is a pretty big deal.
BWB: Are there any healthy baby items or brands you can’t live without?
I love The Honest Company, especially their diapers and wipes. Pretty much everything they have. I trust their brand.
BWB: You travel a lot for work and fun. Can you share any travel ‘self-care’ rituals that help you and your baby stay healthy and happy on the road?
I always travel with my essential formula pro-biotic to promote a healthy gut while travelling. I drink tons and tons of water and add in an all-greens powder at least one time a day with lemon to help alkalinize. I always take time for one good long bath. This eases any tension in my body.
BWB: How do you plan on teaching your son about making healthy choices?
I plan on making this fun. I never want him to feel pressure to eat a certain way. I think that can bring on many long-term issues for a child. I plan on getting him involved as much as possible in the kitchen. Right now I have him hold the celery and carrots while I put them in the juicer. You can never start them too young! My fiancé and I do yoga together each week and this is something I want to introduce to Benjamin as soon as he can walk to teach him how to use his mind and body.
BWB: Has your concept of ‘beauty’ changed from when you were just modeling to now being a Mom? How would you define ‘beauty’ today?
It absolutely has. I used to think very skinny was attractive and now that word does not fit into my vocabulary. I find strong and fit very beautiful. But, most importantly, I find kindness to be the most beautiful quality a person can have. Inner beauty far exceeds outer beauty.
BWB: What is the long-term vision for your company now that you are a Mom? Do you currently have any projects in the works?
I have taken a step back from going full speed because my main focus is being a present mother to my son. There are a lot of things I plan on doing in the new year but I am being very patient with the process.
Pilates has given me the strongest body with long, lean lines.
BWB: Do you have any fun tips or products you have used to get back in shape?
I love, love, love pilates on the reformer and cadillac. Pilates has given me the strongest body with long, lean lines. I stay away from anxiety prone workouts like Barry’s Boot Camp because they personally do not work for me. Yoga is something I’ve been practicing for over 10 years and it has truly made such an impact in my life mentally and physically. I plan to get certified as a yoga instructor this year.
BWB: What are your favorite go-to places in Los Angeles and New York City for healthy eating and dining with your family?
I love Souen, Blossom, Candle Cafe, Siggy’s, Beyond Sushi and Ellary’s Greens in N.Y.C.
In L.A. I love Gracias Madre, Glow Bio and Cafe Gratitude.
Connect with Melissa at: httpss://melissawoodhealth.com

Sarah Anne brings her ‘wellness’ wisdom straight from the Midwest where she witnessed the power alternative of medicine firsthand during her father’s successful fight against cancer. Twelve years and thousands of hours of training since her father’s clean bill of health, Sarah is now a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (AADP) and weight-loss expert who focuses on building a unique mindset and fun and rewarding wellness lifestyle in each of her clients.
Based in NYC, Sarah is the founder of the ground-breaking Holistically Slim movement. Her contagious smile, graceful demeanor, and unparalleled zest for life are central to both Sarah’s work and play, leading her to create of one-of-a-kind events and to embark on enlightening adventures across the globe.