How to Face a Face-Lift
Thinking about visiting a plastic surgeon now, sometime in the future, or never? The most important thing to know is that you must prepare your skin for this type of intervention.
French women will never reveal what they do. The appointment they especially will never admit to is with a plastic surgeon.French women will mostly go to a surgeon for small work, little by little. In general, they are wary of having one big lift. A Frenchwoman does not want people to see what she is doing; she is very discreet.
As a beauty editor, my view onplastic surgery is this: theless visible, the better. The best way is to proceed with small touches: contour the face or lightenthe eye by correcting the eyelids. These little retouches have the advantage of refreshing and rejuvenating.This outcome isunlikethe results ofa total face-lift, which can sometimes freeze the face and remove all the expressions that make up the personality of a woman.
The more informed you are about these procedures,the better you candeterminewhether or not a little work might be right for you. Thinking about visiting a plastic surgeon now,sometime in the future, or never? The most importantthing to knowis that youmustprepare your skin for this type of intervention.
I recently interviewed Dr. Olivier de Frahan, the most renowned plastic surgeon in Paris, as well as Joëlle Ciocco, a famous Paris-based skin expert. Join BWB as we learn more about the dos and don’ts before an intervention.
Dr. Olivier de Frahan
If you plan to have an eyelid surgery, avoid Botox injections at least five months prior to the surgery. This precaution is necessary as Botox can modify the shape of the eyelids.
If you smoke,you should abstain from smoking as much as possible before and after the procedure. Smoking obstructs capillary flow and circulation, which helps the healing process. It is wise to stop or at least reduce smoking before the procedure. Smoking a pack ofcigarettesa day can tremendously increase the risks of your face-lift.
There are many procedures to avoid before you get a face-lift: dermabrasion, laser treatments, peels, and any other aggressive face treatments.
The best preparation before a cosmetic surgery procedure istomaintaingood hydration. It is also critical to make sure that you don’t have any kind of skin infection,as acne or herpes may make the surgery impossible.
As far as post-surgery care is concerned, there are a few recommended proceduresforabout ten days after surgery. You should havedrainage sessions as soon as the skinstartshealing.These helpimprove the circulation, which aidsthecicatrizationprocess and preventsswelling. In case of swelling or marks, youcan startlymphatic drainage sessionswitha trained professional who will avoid the scar area. Only a trained professional can provide these types of post-treatments.
Joëlle Ciocco
The skin is a coating one should respect. Unlike hair, it is an organ. In fact, skin is actually the most important organ since it isdirectly linked to breathing.
We have to prepare our skin in a way that makes it healthier,sostay away from peels before surgery. The skin is going to be detached and stretched.Becauseface-liftsarevery invasive procedures, your skin should beas supple as possible. Therefore, you shouldprepare it beforehand by applying products with hyaluronic acid first, then oilsand nourishing creams.The skin cleaning process should also include nourishing products. It is notasnecessary to use products with vitaminC.
Three weeks before surgery, you should start a nourishing ritual for your skin. If possible, do not schedule the surgery during winter time. One of the effects of surgery is a “pulling sensation,” whichcold winter weathercan exacerbate. Spring and fall seasons are best.
A key piece of advice:When you meet with your surgeon for the first time, ask where the cuts are going to be.Then, you cantake extra care of these areas by applying oils and massaging themregularly to soften them.
Post-surgery, use vacuum-packed hydrating products.For example, make sure you clean the scars with silver colloids orany other natural and anti-bacterial products.
You may develop a sensitivitytocold for about one year. In case of sun exposure in the months following the surgery, protect your skin withaSFP 50 minimum and a doctor-prescribed cream for the scar area.
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