If you are a woman in your early forties, chances are you are busy balancing work and not-yet-independent children.
In these ten years before menopause, it is all the more important to watch your diet and use all-natural products.
If you are a woman in your early forties, chances are you are busy balancing work and not-yet-independent children.
In these ten years before menopause, it is all the more important to watch your diet and use all-natural products. By avoiding processed and fried foods and focusing on what your body needs, you can prepare yourself for this new stage in your life.
Don’t be afraid to indulge a little bit during breakfast. Chances are, you will burn these foods off in the course of your busy morning.
First thing in the morning, drink a large glass of mineral water.
For women with an intense professional and family agenda, breakfast is crucial. Try to eat it before 8 am and, if you can, favor salty foods.
Healthy options include eggs, bacon, cold cuts, cheese, chicken breast and even refried beans. Avoid yogurt or cottage cheese if trying to avoid inflammation. Bread works for this meal, too, though try to ensure it has been made with traditional stone-milled flour or whole grains. Topping the bread with olive oil and tomatoes will add a nice touch of flavor.
Note: Avoid tea, coffee or cocoa with this type of breakfast. Try also to avoid fruit juices in the morning, for they can interfere with the digestion of this protein-based breakfast. Instead, opt for herbal tea, lemon, ginger, lemon balm, or cinnamon lemon infusions. The latter will help avoid the “alpha sympathique” effect, which can increase stress.
Another secret: Don’t be afraid to indulge a little bit during breakfast. Chances are, you will burn these foods off in the course of your busy morning, so treat yourself!
Avocado, olives, fatty fish, colza oil are all great for memory and focus, so make sure to add them to your lunch list.
Try to eat a legume of some sort; this can include lentils, beans, split peas, or soy. Rice, pasta and potatoes are also great low-sugar options to combine with all the necessary greens. If it’s a desert night, ensure the desert is made of fruit compote without added sugar. Try to avoid deserts that include peanuts.
Avocado, olives, fatty fish, colza oil are all great for memory and focus, so make sure to add them to your lunch list, too. And finally, for your chocolate fix, eating one or two squares of your favorite, 70% minimum is a nice way to end the meal.
Dinner should be light, without slow sugars or bread: some oven cooked fish or steamed fish with vegetables, for example, should do the trick.
White meat with a salad, or a simple vegetable soup also works.
Comply with a maximum of 3 dairy products per week and no more than one a day. Reduce overall tea and coffee consumption, truing not to have more than one cup a day.
Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre is a journalist and author.
«La médecine personnalisée, retrouver et garder la santé» (Odile Jacob) was published in March 2012 after two years of investigation and research with general practitioner Dr. Jean-Claude Lapraz.
«Se soigner toute l’année au Naturel» (Prat) was published in 2012 and has sold over 250 000 copies. Her latest book «Etre en Bonne santé toute l’année : 20 cures alimentaires» was launched in April 2015.