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An apple a day keeps the doctor away

With Christmas around the corner, the cold front marching on, and the many food excesses the season entails, our body needs some extra care.

With Christmas around the corner, the cold front marching on, and the many food excesses the season entails, our body needs some extra care.

Remember to eat apples. They cleanse the body and limit the damage linked to excessive consumption of sweets.
Always remember the old English saying: « an apple a day keeps the doctor away »!


The apple provides vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, E and provitamin A.
In order to make the most of the vitamins benefits, it is better to eat the apple raw. These vitamins ensure a good cardio-vascular protection.
Since it is particularly rich in vitamin C, the apple supports the adrenal activity. The adrenal glands manage stress.
Unfortunately, stress and adrenalin spurts can weaken the heart.
The apple is rich in fructose, a natural source of sugar, which is present in most fruits and doesn’t lead to insulin stimulation. It brings the right amount of sugar to the body without overworking the pancreas and without allowing fat increase to the cells.
The apple is also rich in fiber (2,5g for 100g). Most fiber is present in the form of pectin. Pectin is also useful and gives a gelatinous aspect to the jams and jellies. It allows the slow release of fructose and other sugars.
Because of its slow release properties, it is an excellent fruit for athletes, and it provides a good shield against the cold.
One of the most important properties of pectin is the fact that it blocks part of the cholesterol and fats from being released into the body, and therefore protects the cardio-vascular system.

You could try a 10-day breakfast routine designed to help with thyroid activity: oatmeal porridge with oat milk and dried fruits. You’ll feel like a racehorse!


Try to follow a balanced diet. For example, rather than eating stews, fried foods and cold cuts, lean toward a diet that will help you resist the cold (lentils, split-peas, peas, green beans, chestnuts).
Remember to use the little recipes (that you will find in the book « Se soigner toute l’année au naturel » published by Prat). They will help you spend a healthy winter! (Pistou soup, pumpkin soup to name a few).
AND do not be afraid of consuming a great deal of dried fruits. They are a great source of energy and vitality.
You could try a 10-day breakfast routine designed to help with thyroid activity: oatmeal porridge with oat milk and dried fruits. You’ll feel like a racehorse!


Take oligo-elements every morning (copper, gold, silver) for protection from the winter cold.
Aqueous extract of black radish in vials for sinus infection Spray or drops of propolis for the throat Packets of magnesium chloride to mix with water to fight fever or viral infections.
Use a lot of essential oils in your house (lavender, eucalyptus, thyme, pine, ravintsara essential oils).
Drink a lot of herbal teas. Thyme leaves, rosemary or agrimony to prevent ear, throat and nose infections. Blackberry bush leaves for sore throats. Gingerroot for energy. Lemon and cinnamon in decoction for a cold. Cloves for anti-inflammatory and antalgic benefits.

Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre

Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre is a journalist and author.
«La médecine personnalisée, retrouver et garder la santé» (Odile Jacob) was published in March 2012 after two years of investigation and research with general practitioner Dr. Jean-Claude Lapraz.
«Se soigner toute l’année au Naturel» (Prat) was published in 2012 and has sold over 250 000 copies. Her latest book «Etre en Bonne santé toute l’année : 20 cures alimentaires»  was launched in April 2015.

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