A Beginner’s Guide to Naturopathic Medicine: Part 2
Your holistic guide to health restoration.
By skillfully combining natural therapeutic traditions with modern science, Naturopathic Medicine is among the most efficient ways to restore and optimize health.
We hope that you enjoyed the 1stseries of health restoration program. This week, our very own Licensed Naturopathic Doctor, Christophe Bolloré, shares additional steps to make the most of your summer to feel better and look better through naturopathic medicine.
At BWB we believe that we can be empowered to make sustainable lifestyle changes to reach optimal health.

Favor proteins and lipids in the morning to be in tune with enzyme production cycles. When eating fruit, try to keep it outside of typical mealtimes. Ideally, meal size should decrease throughout the day to keep up with enzymatic output and to be consistent with digestive power. Realistically, this can also translate into the evening as filling meals in terms of quantity. Orient towards more easily digestible products in the evening to promote better sleep quality. That also means no strong proteins (meats), fats (fried foods) or sugar.

Be especially cautious of cow products and pasteurized industrial products. Instead, favor goat and sheep’s milk and cheese (depending on your degree of tolerance for such products). Additionally, opt for plant-based milks, such as almond, hazelnut, rice, coconut and cashew. Reduce or completely eliminate consumption of gluten-based foods (i.e. Wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, bulgur). Cereals without gluten include quinoa, wholegrain rice, buckwheat, wild rice, sorghum, amaranth and teff.

Stimulants have an acidifying and demineralizing power. Try to stay away from coffee, tea and alcohol.

You want to stay away from white, refined and industrial sugar. Don’t forget that alcohol and carbohydrates are sugar too!

Optimal Digestion Matrix:
High Value Proteins Animal-based proteins: Meat, Fish, Eggs, etc. | Vegetables (Preferably green vegetables) No carbohydrates – Cereals and root vegetables |
Lean Proteins Legumes, oleaginous, seaweed, mushrooms , etc. | Vegetables Lean Carbohydrates: Chestnut, sweet potatoes, buckwheat, quinoa, etc.) |

Believing in a holistic and integrative approach to health, Christophe has studied under the tutelage of teachers of both western and oriental traditions for many years. He is a certified naturopath and yoga teacher. Christophe has also trained in aromatherapy, sound therapy, breathwork and micro-nutrition. When not in Paris, he can be found in the wilderness helping people detox and collaborating with programs, such as “La Pensée Sauvage.”