City Seat a chic way to ride!
City Seat provides just what you need: customized, fashionable and comfortable bicycle seat cushions.
All around the city you can see locals rushing in droves to their next Soul Cycle class, couples, friends and tourists sitting atop Citibike bicycles, families taking rides in the park on Sunday afternoons. If you find yourself among any of these people, City Seat provides just what you need: customized, fashionable and comfortable bicycle seat cushions.
Two years ago, Chelsea Petrozzo was the first to identify the demand for a more comfortable ride. With a long time passion for fashion and fitness, this young entrepreneur combined her interests to create the brainchild that is now spicing up and tricking out any cyclist’s exercise experience. Flexible to almost any bike’s seat, this cushion is also washable and foldable. The founder tells us:
“I created a product for myself and my friends. We were going to spin class and riding CitiBikes and felt that we wanted to have a little extra something for our ride. It felt like we were spending money on athletic clothing, but there was nothing for the seat, and they were uncomfortable! Why wouldn’t there be a padded and cute bike seat cover that you can roll up, throw in your bag, and go? I think that the fact that the product was based out of a need really allows me to be close to our clients and hear what they want and need, and always tweak the product to reach perfection.”
We heard about this hip concept just in time for the colors and warm breezes of Summer. Don’t let discomfort stand in your way of getting out into this beautiful weather! If you aren’t already a regular rider of bikes, take this exciting opportunity to choose your own seat and start off on your new journey.

Lani Allen is a graduate of Columbia University’s Non-fiction Creative Writing program. After serving as Vice President of her class for two years, she contributed written pieces and illustrations to many on-campus publications. As a writer with a passion for beauty, Lani enjoys capturing the stories of innovative thinkers and risk-takers shaping the industry as we know it.