Healthy Belly, Healthy Me
Having written his highly acclaimed book, The Grain Brain, explaining the link between sugar (including grains, legumes, fructose and the evil gluten) and chronic inflammation Dr. Perlmutter is now here to share his latest discoveries with the book: Brain Maker.
While the book starts with comprehensive studies on the gut bacterias, his descriptions of the results obtained on patients suffering from autism, and brain related disease show us the key role of our “second brain”.
In this book, he bases his studies on our digestive system. While the book starts with comprehensive studies on the gut bacteria, his descriptions of the results obtained on patients suffering from autism, and brain related disease show us the key role of our “second brain”.
Our intestinal microcosm is largely responsible for a functioning metabolism assimilating vitamins, nutrients and affecting all area of our health from our immune system to our mood. His book offers delicious recipes to nourish our good bacterias with fermented food and homemade yogurt.
As scientists are still searching for more answers in that topic, let’s take a good care of our belly, gate to a physical, emotional and spiritual balanced health.
Buy it HERE.

Anne-Sophie is a French born adventurer who grew up skiing, dancing and cooking. She started making her own beauty products at age 17 and since then has been passionate about health, beauty and nature. She lives in New York City where she practices yoga and meditation and enjoys the eclectic restaurant scene of the city. As a teacher she is very curious and loves learning new skills.