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5 Remedies for a Tired Complexion

These 5 natural habits will help your skin regain its healthy glow regardless of the season.

So often during the winter our skin appears weakened and tired. These 5 natural habits will help your skin regain its healthy glow regardless of the season.

1st rule: Watch your diet. Favor the foods that do not overwork the pancreas; stay away from cooked fats, sugar and dairy. Drink carbonated water at the end of meals. Vichy Célestins, Badoit, and San Pellegrino are all good options. If you do not like sparkling water, you can add a small teaspoon of baking soda to a large glass of water. Also try to eat fatty fish at least three times a week. These can include sardines, mackerel, herring, halibut, eel, anchovies, wild salmon, wild trout, cod livers.

2nd rule: Apply a green clay mask to your face once a week. You may add cucumber juice or Aloe Vera gel to it.

In order to fight the aging process, take two capsules of musk rose oil and silica, which provides elasticity to the skin.

3rd rule: Nourish the skin from within by taking oil supplements. Extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil, or capsules of primrose and borage oil all do the trick. In order to fight the aging process, take two capsules of musk rose oil and silica, which provides elasticity to the skin. There is also nothing better than horsetail extract powder with an intake of 2gr a day.

4th rule: Keep good vascularization. With the variations of temperature, it is easy for the blood vessels to constrict or dilate and become fragile. In order to protect them, prepare infusions of red vine leaves to which you may add zests of lemon, mandarin or orange.

5th rule: Avoid using soap on your face. Clean you skin with softer products like Liniment Oléo-calcaire (oil and calcium ointment used in baby care). If your skin is particularly fragile, you may use almond oil to soften and hydrate or calendula oil to fight skin irritations.

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Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre

Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre is a journalist and author.
«La médecine personnalisée, retrouver et garder la santé» (Odile Jacob) was published in March 2012 after two years of investigation and research with general practitioner Dr. Jean-Claude Lapraz.
«Se soigner toute l’année au Naturel» (Prat) was published in 2012 and has sold over 250 000 copies. Her latest book «Etre en Bonne santé toute l’année : 20 cures alimentaires»  was launched in April 2015.

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